18th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA2024)

Speaker Resources

Download any of the official speaker resources below for use in promoting or marketing of #WCA2024. 

Follow and tag us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn or subscribe to our mailing list to keep up to date and be the first to receive the latest news. 

Please contact our marketing if you need anything else.  Email: wca2024-marketing@icsevents.com 

Download a Speaker Banner

Suggested Copy

We have provided some suggested copy that you can use, amend and post freely on your social media channels. And make sure you tag #WCA2024

Let us know why you're coming to WCA2024!

We would love to hear from you, learn more about your session and why you are speaking at WCA2024. Your quote will help us showcase the diversity and excellence of our speakers and attendees, and inspire others to join us for this exciting event.
Email: wca2024-marketing@icsevents.com
* Quotes might be used across Social media, website and email marketing (please provide a picture, and full business title)

Other Digital Downloads

WCA2024  Powerpoint Slide

WCA2024 Zoom Background

WCA2024 Stacked Full Color Logo

WCA2024 Full Color Horizontal Logo

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